Rolls-Royce visits ECOMAT

Bild: Rolls-Royce
A delegation of the British turbine manufacturer Rolls-Royce visited the Virtual Product House (VPH) at ECOMAT in early October. The industrial company has been working with the German Aerospace Center (DLR) since 2015. During their visit to Germany, the Brits conducted a strategic dialog with DLR on the topics of climate-friendly aviation propulsion systems, in particular hydrogen propulsion systems and other sustainable fuels. Both partners want to continue to act in close exchange in research and development here in the future.
All information on the visit and the joint program is available on the DLR website (german): https://www.dlr.de/content/de/artikel/news/2021/04/20211011_zukunft-der-luftfahrtantriebe.html.
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A delegation of the British turbine manufacturer Rolls-Royce visited the Virtual Product House (VPH) at ECOMAT in early October.