• Außenansicht des Ecomat-Gebäudes.

A Milestone for the Practical Use of Lightweight Construction – Made in Bremen

The ECOMAT research and technology centre is a beacon of leading-edge technology for climate-neutral flight, for lightweight construction, and for innovative materials, surface technologies and the digitization of development processes. Around 500 employee from the scientific and commercial sectors work together here under one roof, sharing knowledge and expertise. ECOMAT is located close to Bremen's Airport City, a focal point for Northern European aviation and aerospace technology.


[At the heart of ECOMAT]


Spacious laboratory facilities with the very latest equipment


Speedy communications path for transferring technology quickly between science and business


Joint interdisciplinary projects, designed to be agile - all the partners under one roof


An active community, regular events and lively exchange of information

[The ECOMAT technology centre]

The research and development centre

ECOMAT in Bremen brings together commercial and scientific expertise in the areas of lightweight construction, materials research and digital product development. The abbreviation "ECOMAT" stands for the "Center for Eco-efficient Materials & Technologies". This research and development centre is home for a variety of different companies and institutes on 22,000 square meters site of laboratories, offices and workspaces.


As the European centre for the aviation and aerospace industry and a focal point of the automobile industry, Bremen is uniquely able to address all aspects of lightweight construction in a holistic, comprehensive manner. In Bremen, everyone involved, be it from the worlds of business, politics or science, is pulling in the same direction.


The field of lightweight construction and the associated search for new materials are a key element in using materials more effectively, reducing the amount of resources used and cutting emissions. Modern materials are the future, no matter what sector they're used in: in building air planes, cars or other vehicles. Another driving force for innovation is digitisation, which will significantly speed up product and material development processes in future.

The idea

The ECOMAT is run by the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, Airbus and other partners. Since its completion in 2019, it's where 500 researchers have been working together on lightweight construction projects, discovering innovative materials and new surface technologies. Its core aim is to research ways into enabling processes and technologies that have a direct application for industry to perform more effectively and at a lower cost, due to cooperation.


24/04/2024 - 26/06/2024, 0:00 Uhr


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